This summer has been amazing. My time in Beira was one of the highlights of the year for me. It all started with an invitation to minister at a three-day conference and then grew into 7 churches, 13 days and 17 services. I had never preached that many times in a row before and was very excited to see what God would do.
The City and The People of Beira
Beira is a large city located on the coast of the Indian Ocean with a population of about half a million people. They were colonized by Portugal in the 16th century until 1975. Then they had a civil war from 1977 – 1992.
Due to the war and the colonization, many people lack the skills needed to succeed. The younger generation is being educated and facing the challenges of stepping into the unknown. It is a difficult transition to come from generations of slavery and war and now learn to navigate a life of freedom, reasponsibility and believing that you are capable of greatness.
I did meet many amazing people who are rising above their situation. Some of the young people that I trained in evangelism four years ago are still evangelizing today. They are fluent in English, interpreting, studying in school and some are now pastoring. They are hungry to learn and are teachable.
Women's Meetings
The Lord gave me a message for the women on their identity in Christ, their value, their wholeness and completeness in Him. I did not fully understand how the women felt, until after the services. Many women have been oppressed and had believed the lie that they are not whole unless they have a man in their life and children. God knew what needed to be ministered and many of the women were set free! I still remember the one woman’s face. She looked so sad during the service. After a time of praying for all the women we began to praise God. This woman jumped up and started dancing and laughing. I love the way God works in people’s hearts and lives! I may not know the language, but I do understand the laughs, the smiles and the hugs of thanksgiving.
Pastor's And Leader's Meetings
At one of the pastor meetings I felt led to speak on the Holy Spirit, Acts chapter 2, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire. It turned out that almost none of them had ever been filled with the Holy Spirit. They had never heard such teaching before and began to take their phones out and record what I was saying. They all answered the altar call to be filled and almost everyone of them prayed in tongues for the first time and had an encounter with God. One man told me that he was going back to his church and would preach on this baptism on Sunday! Come on, just thinking about their faces makes me smile.
Many people received healings in their bodies. At almost every service someone would say that they came with pain and had been suffering for a long time and were leaving pain free.
The Word of God works. When we preach the pure Word of God the people receive the Truth and the Truth sets them Free! Never compromise the Word of God.
Also, I preached on stewardship, everywhere I went. At first, it seemed that this was a controversial subject. But, as time went on, I heard from many pastors that they were so blessed by the message. That they also did not know this teaching. They told me that people in their congregations were having testimonies and breakthroughs during the services. The one pastor said that many came to him and said that they are now going to start tithing.
God is so faithful. He is seeking the lost and desiring to train up His body. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and sharing in the fruit of all that the Lord is doing through The Father’s Joy International.